Introducing… Meta Fi
Announcing unparalleled transformation of the AYIN platform with a radical strategy hardening that seeks to cement AYIN’s moat as Alephium’s No1 DEX.
Officially. Announcing. Meta Fi.
We promised you, our audiences, that we would rub shoulders with the very best DeFi platforms in the space. Through Meta Fi we now deliver that. Meta Fi is an augmentation of the existing (ARM) roadmap that seeks to deliver additional value and underwrite AYIN’s sustainable future.
To date AYIN has served the Alephium ecosystem as its economic engine and value exchange, and we have contributed millions of dollars of rewards that has provided economic stimulus for the broader ecosystem, accelerating it’s growth, and increasing it’s resilience. It’s a success story that we now need to safeguard and enhance, by strengthening AYIN’s core with real utility, bringing online improved value accrual, and new dimensions of liquidity efficiency.
Meta Fi represents a more evolved, connected, and sustainable form of DeFi that addresses some of the core challenges that are being faced (not only by AYIN) but across the wider decentralized finance landscape:
DeFi protocols are plagued by mercenary liquidity providers who chase high rewards, sell tokens quickly, and move on causing price instability. Often these models are accompanied by no long-term incentives that fail to keep liquidity providers engaged for the longer term. There is typically an over reliance on unsustainable token emissions that leads to high inflationary pressures, and the continuity of these emissions leads to token depreciation and devaluation, further eroding user confidences.
The new AYIN Collective is a team that boasts decades of very proven commercial and technical track record — enshrined in that DNA is an innovation mindset that is always looking at the bigger picture. With an innate determination to push the bounds of what is possible that very much includes looking beyond traditional DeFi models. What we bring to the table with Meta Fi is innovation at its highest level, seeking to solve problems that very few in the space have got their arms around.
Meta Fi combines all the best elements of DEX primitives and brings that all under one roof. Meta Fi unifies a user centric experience by streamlining choice and an array of DeFi products in one cohesive interface. Meta Fi creates one port of call where you have access to a full spread of optionality served to users in a frictionless, intuitive environment. Meta Fi is an umbrella wrapper for a whole suite of new Meta-Products that will revolutionize the way people interact with AYIN.
Excited? So you should be! There’s lots to unpack — let’s get under the hood:
Meta DEX
We are excited by the advent of new (and old!) teams bringing new AMM models to the Alephium ecosystem, and we agree each of those holds unique value propositions. But as new models proliferate across new DEXs we can anticipate liquidity becoming even more fragmented. What if there was a way to combine all the best elements of those DEX primitives under one roof and offer users that optionality?
Introducing AYINs MetaDEX — an omni-protocol market maker. Yes you read that right AYIN’s MetaDEX merges the strengths of different AMM models — volatile, stable, concentrated, voting and multi-asset into a single platform. This provides users with flexibility to choose their DEX mode together with the best liquidity options, whether they prefer high risk volatile pools or more stable low-risk alternatives.
Your DEX. Your mode. Your Choice. Your AYIN.
Meta Router
With all this new choice we create more buckets but with our new Meta Router we can smart route across all DEX modes to bring our users the very best trading efficiencies for their pairs. We are thrilled with how this is performing in our UAT environment — another first from the new AYIN Collective and a really clever ‘glue’ to all our Meta ambitions. Quietly confident you’re going to love the UI!
Meta Incentives
We think this ones going to be popular! To date ecosystem economic stimulus has been on AYIN to incentivize. To be honest, it’s been bitter sweet — yes we are pleased as punch to have developed new liquidity pools bringing USDC, wBTC, wETH and a range of new pools for ecosystem partners, but we want to do more, much more, and AYIN token-holders shouldn't be penalized for this. With Meta Incentives we launch a new ecosystem lego that allows Permissionless Incentives across any LP pairs that can then emit up to 5 types of rewards concurrently.
We want to offer ALPHAGA an incentivized LP pool on the AYIN platform (true story, we’ve been wanting to do it for ages!) …with Meta Incentives the following can now happen:
- AYIN wants to offer 500 $AYIN and reward that pool for the next 100 days
- ALPHAGA wants to incentivize that pool with 100k $ALPHAGA over the next 1 year
- Alephium core team decide to add an additional 3000 $ALPH over a 1 month Alephium NFT Festival period with the Blockflow DAO
- …and Jekyll (with a soft spot for all things ALPHAGA) also wants to get involved and throws in 420m $JEKYL tokens emitting over 69 days
Meta Incentives democratize rewards. Meta Incentives put rewards in the hands of the community and the ecosystem. Meta Incentives creates a level playing field for everyone to grow and incentivise LP.
Meta Bridge
We know that many of our community are excited about the prospect of the BSC Bridge go-live — what we can share today is that we will be supporting that new ecosystem bridge with a full integration to the AYIN Platform allowing users to bridge from both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain through one sleek interface on AYIN. We’re also working on some exciting new pools for that one — stay close and you’ll find out more!
Meta Lending & Borrowing
Haha! You weren’t expecting this. Yes on top of all the other gold we have cooking in the RV the AYIN Collective brings you it’s very own Meta Lending & Borrowing protocol. Again, we remain excited about the prospects of new DeFi tools coming to the Alephium ecosystem but we got impatient and decided to code our own! With 10’s of millions of dollars locked up in TVL and even more as passive value in $ALPH and $AYIN we want to offer the Alephium community deeper benches of DeFi products with greater access to liquidity. We are tickled pink as part of AYIN Based to be offering greater utility for AYIN token holders — this ones gunna be RED HOT — whose stAYIN around to find out more?
Meta [More]
We have abstracted and meta’d DEX modes, we have Meta’rised routers, we have Meta’d an Incentives engine — our platform architecture is going full Meta. This arms us incredibly well for the future. As the DeFi space develops and matures no doubt new AMM models and more efficient algorithms will arrive. AYIN’s tech stack will be ready and waiting — whether thats UNI V5 of Curve V3 we can now slot these in to expandable slots creating strong sustainability for our development roadmap going forward and offer our users an increasing amount of choice and transactional efficiency all under one roof, and all at the bleeding edge of DeFi innovation.
And believe it or not, we have NOT disclosed the full augmentation of Meta Fi — we have kept some powder dry and sitting on more killer code thats in final polish mode — every move we make, every plan we hatch, all strategy we execute upon — it is all in service to the Alephium ecosystem, and will ensure AYINs future as the №1 DEX in Alephium.
The future of AYIN is more. Meta More. Welcome to your Meta AYIN Future.
Meta Fi is an awesome strategy enhancement that’s going to perform a critical role in bringing Alephium to everyone, from the most basic to the most advanced users in the market, encompassing all users and all partners, a meta-layer suite of tooling for everyone to plug in to. This is the way forward. This is the future of AYIN and the future of Alephium.
Q4 is going to be a super exciting passage for AYIN and it’s community. You will soon see the first feature drops of ALPHa from the AYIN X account — stake your eyes on this channel and concentrate hard, it’s not a bridge too far before you will feel well rewarded. Meta things are coming to AYIN and we plan to have it ALL delivered within 2024.
“It’s safe to say we are Meta-excited in camp AYIN at the moment — Meta Fi, as a hardening of our strategy, represents extraordinary levels of delivery by the dev teams with some really incredible leadership and vision, and this is all on top of an already burgeoning road map— it’s pretty stellar measured against anyone standards. For AYIN’s future this is a really big deal. Meta Fi is breaking norms all over the shop and it allows the new AYIN Collective to put a fresh DNA stamp on the platform and it’s future. I talk about this a lot but its really noteworthy — it would have been so much easier to code this from new — the flying an aeroplane and changing the engines at the same time analogy is real — we aim to sunset classic by the end of the year and I know for the team that going to be a huge result and will set us up for a 2025 bull run in such a potent position…LFG”
— Walter, AYINs Chief ALPHamist, was heard JUST $AYIN.
About AYIN
AYIN is the №1 decentralized exchange and liquidity store on the Alephium L1. It enables its users access to safe and efficient trading of digital assets. With an emphasis on community, it looks to transform the DeFi experience with a rich blend of innovative products that share fees with the platforms users.
AYIN is deeply committed to leading the charge and catalysing growth for the Alephium ecosystem. With a focus on empowering closer partnerships and synergistic growth enablement, the AYIN collective is on a mission to make this revolutionary ecosystem more accessible and mainstream for all.
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